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October 4, 2011

Agrochemicals Specialist, 04, October 2011

Afghanistan Improving Agricultural Inputs Delivery System (IAIDS) project
International Position
Agrochemicals Specialist
Country: Afghanistan Project Id: P120397 Project Name: AF: Improving Agric. Inputs Delivery System (IAIDS) Loan Info.: TF 99595 Country: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Name of the project: Improving Agriculture Input Delivery System (IAIDS) Consulting Services: Consultant for developing institutional capacity in Agrochemicals Project ID: P120397 Grant No. TF099595 REOI No: MAIL/IAIDS/SN/16 Advertizing Date: 03-October-2011 Closing Date: 18-October-2011
Expression of Interest
The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) intends to finance the assignment described below under ARTF Grant No: TF099595, administered by The World Bank.
Project Background
Building on the Agriculture Master Plan, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoA) in collaboration with its development partners has defined a number of appropriate priorities for agricultural investments and policies under the National Agricultural Development Framework (NADF). In order to increase farmers’ incomes and improve the food security situation, the GoA is giving foremost attention to strengthening of the agricultural production base. In this respect the government has asked the World Bank for assistance in strengthening agricultural input supply systems. Specifically, the GoA has requested the World Bank for assistance in the preparation of the Improving Agricultural Inputs Delivery System (IAIDS) project that will consist of the following four components: i) Improve seed production and certification; ii) Establish infrastructure and policies regarding quality control and safe use of fertilizers and agrochemicals; iii) Improve input delivery systems; iv) Establish efficient project management, implementation and coordination mechanisms.
The development objective of IAIDS project is to increase adoption of improved crop production technologies through expanding development of certified seeds and improving access to agricultural inputs of reliable quality. Details of the project components and activities included in each component summarized below:
Component A: Improved Seed Production and Certification. This component will assist the GoA in building a sustainable seed production system that produces the required quantities of seed of the varieties that are needed and that is economically and commercially viable. Given that wheat is Afghanistan’s main staple crop, the emphasis in this component will be on wheat seeds, but the needs and possibilities to diversify towards other crops (vegetables, commercial and other food crops) will be explored and given attention as well. The program will strengthen all elements of the seed production system from variety research to the production of certified seed, including seed quality and certification and distribution and promotion of the rational use by farmers of the improved seed, as well as assist in the affirmation and establishment of a legal and regulatory framework. It will build on the existing institutional system, while developing local capacity for transitioning to national systems with minimal external support.
Component B: Quarantine Networks and Quality Control of Agro-chemicals. This component will support the completion and operationalization of the institutional and regulatory framework for quality and safety standards of fertilizers and other agro- chemicals, including an input certification system. A quality verification system supported by mobile phone applications will be explored to support checks by farmers and traders. The first phase of the project will also equip a quality control laboratory for agrochemicals; and provide capacity building in the areas of laboratory testing of agrochemicals and safe handling and application of agrochemicals for traders, MAIL extension workers, and farmers. The second phase of the project will support expansion of quality control laboratories for fertilizers and agro-chemicals to entry points for imports.
Component C: Improved and Expanded Delivery Systems. This component will start with a series of survey-based studies to get a better handle on the functioning of the certified seed production chain, farm-level input use and input distribution systems. The results of the studies will be used to develop an action plan for investments required to improve input delivery to farmers and better tailor supply to demand. The surveys will be followed by the operationalization of the action plan. This may include strengthening and expanding Ag Depot and Farm Service Center programs; piloting creation of alternative forms of input delivery systems with farmer groups, CDCs etc; and education and extension programs to demonstrate selected input technology packages as well as farm machinery and equipment.
Component D: Project Implementation and Management. The project will be implemented by MAIL. The following main technical Directorates from the MAIL side will be involved in the preparation and implementation of the proposed project: (i) for Component A (Improved Seed Production and Certification): Improved Seeds Enterprise (ISE); (ii) for Component B (Quarantine Networks and Quality Control for Agro-chemicals); Plant Protection Directorate (PPD) and Quality Control Directorate (QCD); (iii) for Component C (Improve and Expand Input Delivery System): QCD and Private Sector Directorate (PSD); and (iv) for Component D: (Project Management, Coordination, Monitoring & Evaluation): General Directorate for Programs (GDP).
The project will start with a 9-month preparation phase for which it is seeking an international agrochemicals specialist.
Scope of Work The Agrochemicals Specialist (Int’l) will work in close collaboration with the Project Team under the direct supervision of the Project Director, IAIDS project, and closely interacting with the Director of the Policy Analysis and Legal Advisory Directorate (PALAD), Director of the Plant Protection & Quarantine Directorate (PPQD) and Director of the Quality Control Directorate (QCD) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) and other relevant officials of the three directorates. The main tasks of the Consultant will consist of reviewing and updating the Pesticides Law, drafting of regulations and procedures and their submission to the proper authority for putting the pesticides regulatory framework in place, and assessing the needs encompassing laboratory, equipment, accessories, chemical reagents, manpower and their capacity development. The Consultant will report to the Project Director and will be assisted by a National Legal Specialist.
The Consultant should study all relevant documents including application for PPF grant, World Bank Operational Policies, and Afghanistan Environmental Law and Regulations. The Consultant should also study the currently available documents on pesticides in Afghanistan and integrated pest management (IPM) activities related documents.
Specific Responsibilities The Consultant will perform, among others, the following specific responsibilities: • Interact with the Director, PPQD and Director, PALAD for assessing the exact status of the Pesticides Law; • Collect copy of the law including the comments of PALAD; • Study the steps and actions involved in the approval processes of law, regulations, rules and procedures; • Update the law based on comments from PALAD and expedite its submission to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ); • With the pretention that the law will be approved, identify the relevant regulations, rules and/or procedures necessary for enactment of pesticide registration system, quality control system and issuing of safety certificate for exportable commodities based on pesticides residue analysis in agricultural products; and draft all of them for their approval and enactment by the appropriate authority/MAIL; • Interact with Director, PPQD and his relevant staff to identify requirements including a Pesticide Formulation Analysis Laboratory for registration, their equipment, accessories, chemical reagents - including their specifications and prices for introducing the pesticides registration system; • Interact with Director, PPQD and his relevant staff for assessing manpower requirements for introducing a pesticides registration system including laboratory operation; identify suitable manpower from the existing stocks based on set criteria, delineate their area of specialization for studying leading to a MSc degree, and identify suitable institutions including formalities and costs for such studies; assess requirements of technicians for laboratory and registration systems, and identify suitable manpower from existing staff; determine their short-term skill development training needs, and identify suitable institutions for such training including the formalities and costs; • Interact with Director, QCD and his relevant staff to identify the requirements including a Pesticide Quality Control Laboratory (PQCL) for testing the quality of pesticides at import points and internal markets, and Pesticide Residue Analysis Laboratory (PRAL) for testing the presence of pesticides in agricultural commodities and issuing of safety certificate for their export; their equipment, accessories, chemical reagents including their specifications and prices for establishing the two laboratories; • Interact with Director, QCD and his relevant staff for assessing manpower requirements for the operation of a PQCL and PRAL including for quality control operations in the field, and issuing of safety certificates for exportable commodities, identify suitable manpower from the existing stocks based on set criteria, delineate their area of specialization for studying leading to MSc degree in agrochemicals, and identify suitable institutions including formalities and costs for such studies; assess requirements of technicians for quality control laboratory and pesticides residue laboratory, and identify those manpower from existing stocks, determine their short-term skill development training needs, identify suitable institutions for such training including the formalities and costs; • Assist the Director, PPQD and Director, QCD in preparing a complete profile of requirements including all above information for the respective new facilities to facilitate their procurement after review by the mission.
Outputs The output will include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Review and update of pesticide law suitable for submission to the MoJ. B. Regulations, rules, procedures and forms consistent with the Pesticide Law necessary for enactment of pesticide registration system, quality control and issuing of safety certificates for exportable produces through pesticides residue analysis. C. Complete profile of requirements for pesticides formulation analysis for registration by the PPQD; quality control testing for import and market samples of pesticides and pesticides residue analysis and issuing of safety certificate by QCD, their equipment; accessories including their specifications and prices for introducing the pesticides registration system by the PPQD, quality checking and residue analysis for issuing safety certificates by QCD; manpower requirements for all these facilities, and list of identified manpower from the existing staff of PPQD and QCD based on set criteria; delineation of their area of specialization for studying leading to MSc degree in Agrochemicals, and particulars of suitable institutions including formalities and costs for such studies; requirements of technicians for laboratory and staff for registration and quality control of pesticides at import points and issuing of safety certificates; list of identified manpower from existing staff of the PPQD and QCD, their short-term skill development training needs, and particulars of suitable institutions for such training including the formalities and costs. D. Guidelines for sharing of pesticide-related functions such as pesticide registration, quality control of pesticides both at import points and in domestic markets, and residue analysis of pesticides in exportable produces including issuing of safety certificates.
Qualifications For the position of Agrochemical Specialist (Int’l consultant) the following qualifications are required: • An advanced degree in Agrochemicals or related discipline from a reputable university; degree/specialization in the Agriculture related field will be given preference
• Proven minimum 5- 8 years experience in pesticide regulatory services including pesticides registration and pesticides analysis;
• Proven recent experience of at least 3 similar consultancies (pesticides law, regulations, procedures and forms drafting, implementation of registration system, establishment and operation of pesticides laboratory, pesticide residue analysis for issuing of safety certificate); • Proven recent track record of working in a team, including a minimum of five years experience in a region similar to Afghanistan; • Experience of working in similar WB projects will be considered as an asset; • Conversance with WB rules and procedures; • Evidence in the form of reports of similar consultancy assignment is desirable; • Fluency in English language, essential; • Proven communications and reporting skills; • Prepared to work in hardship environment; • Preferably should have good experience in design and implementation of institutional reforms.
Duration of Consultancy: 4 months spread over 9 months
Submission Guideline: Send your CV to: General Directorate of Programs, and HR Department Contracted Staff Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Address: Kabul University Road, Kabul, Afghanistan


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